Safe & Warm project

Safe & Warm project

The service has a particular focus on asylum seekers, minority ethnic groups, travellers, Park Home communities, people with limited digital access and other vulnerable groups, and offers a wide variety of support including: 

  • energy efficiency advice
  • referrals to Home Energy Scotland (HES)
  • help understanding bills
  • exploring payment options
  • communicating & negotiating with suppliers
  • debt resolution
  • benefit entitlement checks & referrals to the Warm Home Discount
  • general advice about emergency funds, housing support & food vouchers 

The service also aims to address carbon monoxide (CO) safety issues in a bid to avoid preventable tragedies that can occur when people don’t know the dangers of this largely undetectable, poisonous gas. 

We will be working with a range of partners to deliver the service, including CO group sessions for both clients and frontline workers who are able to assist with energy safeguarding.

We’d be delighted to support individuals, community groups and relevant public / third sector organisations to deliver this important agenda.